Women's Health Calculator

Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator

This Women's Health Calculator will help you to find the recommended weight gain for a pregnancy.
Based on your height and weight at the time of conception, your weight now and the stage of your pregnancy, this Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator will help you determine what your weight should be now and on your due date.
You will need to input your pregnancy stage, whether or not you're carrying twins, your height, your weight before pregnancy and your current weight.

This Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator is a great resource for Women's Health.

Your Current Pregnancy Stage
Pregnant with Twins
Your Height ft

Your Weight Before Pregnancy pounds
Your Weight Now pounds

Recommended Weight Range 127.9 - 132.9 lbs
Recommended Weight Range when Delivering 145.0 - 155.0 lbs
Your BMI Before Pregnancy 19.37 kg/m2

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Please enjoy using our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator.

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